Our Partners:



On 20th of February we have started executing our new two-year project devoted to development of software for search of microRNA-TF (Transcription Factor) motifs for further identification of new drug candidates and drug repurposing for colorectal cancer liver metastasis treatment. This project will be executed in collaboration with our German colleagues (the group of Prof. Borlak) and will be funded by the Russian-German program of international cooperation, which is ran by the FASIE and BMBF (http://fasie.ru/competitions/priem-zayavok-na-uchastie-v-rossiysko-germanskoy-programme-mezhdunarodnogo-sotrudnichestva/).

We are very thankful to FASIE foundation for supporting our research. The number of the agreement, under which we received the financing, is 340ГР/24467 from 20.02.2017